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Let’s talk

Starting on a journey to create your custom website, the crucial first meeting brings you and the development team together. Here, your ideas, needs, and challenges will be discussed, laying the groundwork for a successful project


  • We'll discuss the project's scope, objectives, and desired outcomes to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • We're eager to hear about your ideas, design inspirations, and any specific features you wish to include in the website
  • We'll gather information about your target audience, marketing goals, and any unique requirements
  • We'll identify and tackle any issues you're facing with your current online presence or problems you aim to address with your new website
  • Your budget is important in shaping the project's scope and resources. By understanding your financial capacity, we can make recommendations and prioritise features and functionalities within your budget


  • Have an initial idea about your's and your project's goals
  • Have a starting idea about the design's likes and dislikes
  • Getting your input and clarification on all open-ended points
  • Having all information to prepare a project roadmap
  • Within your budget, we ensure to prioritise features and functionalities that add the most value
Project estimates

The Project Estimates step is a vital stage in your website development journey, which aids in setting clear expectations and creating a roadmap for the project's successful completion. It encapsulates the project's time, cost, scheduling, agreements, and technical exploration


  • Provide you with time estimates, giving you an understanding of the project's duration. These estimates will be based on the project's scope, complexity, and available resources
  • Undertake technical exploration by analysing the project's technical requirements and determining the best tools, technologies, and platforms for the website's development
  • Present transparent cost estimates to outline factors like design, development, technology, testing, and any additional features or services
  • Create a detailed project schedule highlighting milestones, tasks, and deadlines to ensure everyone is aware of their responsibilities
  • Finalise agreements, including contractual terms and conditions, payment terms, project scope, and other pertinent details


  • Having a clear understanding of the project's timeline and scope
  • The technical exploration will result in an efficient and effective website that meets your needs and preferences
  • Transparent cost estimates within the project's budget
  • A detailed and well-planned project schedule
  • Finalised agreements between us, including contractual terms and conditions, payment terms, project scope, and other relevant details
Let's meet

Workshops represent a collaborative and communicative phase of your website development process. These interactive sessions are crucial for gathering essential information and creating a website that aligns with your goals, target audience, and marketing strategies


  • Conduct detailed needs research to pinpoint specific requirements and preferences
  • Develop buyer personas, fictional characters that represent your ideal customers, based on real data and research. These personas guide the website's development for a targeted and effective user experience.
  • Gain insights into your target audience, defining their demographics, preferences, and behaviours
  • Discuss and align marketing strategies, as they play a significant role in shaping your website's design and features
  • Foster an open dialogue to address any questions or concerns about the development process, technologies used, timelines, or other relevant topics


  • A well-defined set of website requirements, based on a thorough needs research
  • Buyer personas created during the workshops to aid in creating a targeted and effective website
  • A clear understanding of your target audience, driving the design, content, and functionality of the website
  • Alignment of the website with your marketing strategies, ensuring it supports your overall business goals
  • An open and trusting relationship between you and the team

Our designing process involves close collaboration with you. This step is crucial to ensure your website not only looks fantastic but also provides an outstanding user experience.


  • Our creative designer will use the information gathered during previous steps to create a design that embodies your brand identity, appeals to your target audience, and supports your marketing goals
  • After the initial design is complete, we present it to you for review and feedback. This enables you to request changes or modifications to better align the design with your vision


  • A website design that resonates with your brand identity and appeals to your target audience, as well as supports your marketing goals
  • The final design incorporates your feedback, ensuring it meets your expectations and aligns with your vision
Progress meetings

Progress meetings are serving as a platform to keep you informed about the project's progress and ensure open communication throughout the journey


  • Ensuring everyone stays up-to-date and potential issues are addressed promptly, depending on the project's scope, complexity, and timeline, progress meetings will be scheduled at different frequencies, such as weekly or daily
  • We provide updates on the project's status, showcasing completed tasks, ongoing work, and upcoming milestones
  • Any issues or concerns that arise during the development process will be addressed in these meetings also provide an open Q&A opportunity for you to ask about the project


  • Regular updates keep you informed about the project's progress
  • Prompt resolution of issues and concerns
  • A healthy, transparent relationship between you and the team
  • A well-coordinated project that stays on track, meets your expectations
Alpha deliverable

Step represents a significant milestone in our development process. In this stage, you receive the first working concept of your website, providing you with a live link to the alpha version, including functional pages and other elements.


  • First exploration and interaction with the alpha version of the site, acquainting yourself with its design, features, and functionality
  • Hearing your impressions and feedback, which will be invaluable in refining the website
  • We'll schedule a feedback session, during which you'll provide detailed feedback on various aspects of the website


  • First-hand experience with the alpha version of your website, understanding its design, features, and functionality
  • Your feedback, leading to adjustments and improvements in the final website design and functionality
Beta deliverable

It signifies the penultimate stage in our website development process. At this point, you will be provided with an almost finished website that reflects the adjustments and refinements made from your feedback on the alpha version


  • This interaction will allow you to see how your feedback has been addressed and verify that the site meets your needs and expectations
  • Gathering insights from a select group of users to provide a broader perspective on the user experience, potential issues, and areas that need further refinement
  • Collect a final round of feedback to resolve any outstanding issues or concerns before the website is launched


  • Verifying the changes made from your feedback and checking if the website meets your expectations
  • The final round of feedback ensures that all concerns are addressed, leading to a website that is ready for launch
Final version

Symbolises the end of the website development process. It delivers a fully functional, polished website that reflects all the feedback gathered during the alpha and beta stages. This is the culmination of our development team's efforts to create a custom website that aligns with your vision, meets your requirements, and provides an excellent user experience


  • Present the final version of the website, thoroughly refined and ready for launch
  • A code freeze will be conducted by our development team. This means no further changes will be made to the website's codebase
  • Finalise any outstanding tasks, such as quality assurance or content migration


  • Final version of the website, meticulously designed, refined, and ready for launch
Quality Assurance

The step focuses on intensive testing of the website to ensure it is reliable, stable and functions optimally in various situations. A series of thorough tests validate the website's functionality, performance, usability, security, and compatibility


  • We conduct functional testing to validate all UI components, navigation structures, and multimedia elements
  • Performance evaluation measures the website's load time, responsiveness, and ability to handle increasing traffic
  • Usability assessment evaluates various aspects of the website's design and functionality
  • The Security inspection assesses the website's resilience against potential threats, checking encryption methods, authentication mechanisms, and the security of server infrastructure
  • Compatibility confirmation ensures a consistent user experience across various platforms, devices, and browsers


  • Website is a reliable, high-performing, user-friendly, secure, and fully compatible website that meets your needs and delivers an excellent user experience
Sharing with people

Marks the exciting moment of your custom website's official launch. This step signifies that the site is live, fully functional, and ready for user interaction


  • launching the website, and making it publicly accessible.
  • Gathering First Impressions, collecting initial feedback and opinions


  • Sharing this accomplishment gives due recognition to the hard work, dedication, and collaboration that went into the website's creation
  • Celebrating this achievement is a chance to foster team spirit and commemorate the successful completion of the project

Starting post-launch maintenance ensures your website remains up-to-date, secure, and optimised for top-notch performance. This step, integral for long-term website success, helps manage potential issues and maintain a seamless user experience


  • Regular maintenance keeps the website functioning smoothly, addressing any bugs, performance issues, or compatibility concerns with new browser versions that may emerge
  • Regular backups and a comprehensive disaster recovery plan
  • Conduct consistent security and plugin updates, performance monitoring, and security scans
  • Setting up additional support and maintenance plans, outlining the scope of ongoing support, response times, and supplementary services like periodic training or consultations


  • Ensuring the website functions properly and seamlessly for users
  • Creation of regular backups and disaster recovery plans
  • Regular updates and performance monitoring
  • Additional support and maintenance plans will provide continued assistance post-launch, contributing to the website's longevity and success
Sharing with people
Let's meetProgress meetingsWorkshopsDesignProgress meetingsAlpha versionAlpha versionBeta versionFinal versionTestingSharing with peopleMaintenance
Free consultancy session with our expert
Join us for a discussion to explore your business needs and goals. We will provide an insightful view of the current state of your website and give you some initial options on how to achieve the transformation. Take a chance to discuss possible opportunities of working together.
Jakub Żaczkiewicz
Jakub Żaczkiewicz

Kividev Sp. z.o.o.

ul. Wólczańska 125

90-521 Łódź

krs: 0000943588

NIP: 7262689199


Tobiasz 693-560-832

Jakub 792-021-593

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